Forthcoming LPs

An update almost a year in the making...apologies.

Two new Florabelle LPs are complete and on their way to being pressed. Look for Olli Aarni's Nielu and Ned Milligan's Nature Always Needs Improving (a co-release with Gertrude Tapes) this fall.


Did you know there is a Florabelle twitter account with limited but worthwhile activity? Follow it-- @florabellerecs.

Some other kind reviews have been added to each release's page--future Florabelle releases are being discussed and recorded.

Thanks to everyone who has shown support.

Continental Burns LPs are here / new music from John Atkinson

After a series of delays--some in my control, some not--I'm thrilled to announce that the LP edition of Continental Burns is in hand. I'm very happy with how it looks and sounds. The album comes with a two-sided insert and a download code and can be purchased on its release page.

Due to the simple reality of other responsibilities in life, Florabelle will not be a label that produces more than one or two releases per year, at least for the time being. Hopefully the relatively slow pace will underscore that whatever does ultimately appear on this imprint is especially worthy of your time.

Additionally, after receiving a wave of praise for his Asasin în Lege soundtrack, John Atkinson has had an especially prolific year, releasing three new EPs--Longplaying, Birdland, and Cold Cycle--on his bandcamp site, all of which highlight new areas of development in his sound while making clear that there is a thread connecting each release. 


Upcoming John Atkinson performances

On Thursday, 5/17, to commemorate the conclusion of L For Leisure's week-long run at the IFP Media Center in Brooklyn, there will be a closing night party featuring a live soundtrack performances by John, who composed the original soundtrack for the film.

The following Sunday (5/21), John is playing a matinee at Palisades (also in Brooklyn) with M. Dwinell, New Firmament, and and Angus Tarnawsky. I'm also pleased to announce that the event will unofficially be a "release party" of sorts for the CD version of his soundtrack for Asasin în Lege. John should be on around 5 with CDs to sell afterwards...



P.S. On another note, the English-language version of Asasin în Lege can now be found on YouTube, retitled as Killers Inc. As of today the film has tallied almost 200,000 views online alone.